Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Melanie, like you, identifies as a multipod.

When Melanie Buford was making a college decision, she felt torn between two very different directions: On the one hand, she had a knack for math, and she felt she could excel in an engineering type role. On the other hand, Melanie felt fascinated by psychology and humanities. These two areas of interest had little to no overlap, so not only was Melanie choosing between majors but also universities.

This was the first time Melanie experienced the familiar pull of the multipotentialite journey.

After college, Melanie accepted a role with Americorps and moved to San Francisco, where she participated in a program called Public Allies. Working for Americorps was a combination job, as Melanie served at a nonprofit for four days per week and spent her Fridays completing Public Allies’ social justice leadership development program. Melanie and her coworkers were passionate, multifaceted people.

Fast forward to now, and Melanie has become a professor of career education for the University of Cincinnati, researcher and nonfiction writer, nonprofit supporter, and science fiction writer. She enjoys helping multi-talented students discover a future that fits their unique wiring, and she loves digging into data on multipotentialites, personality tests, and strengths assessments.

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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Is staying at a job you hate holding you back from happiness? What if you’ve changed careers…and the new work wasn’t quite the fit you thought it would be?

After helping a couple thousand people make career changes, you notice a few commonalities.

We’ve realized that EVERYONE has barriers to making their change. Especially the busy, high achieving peeps that we’ve worked with. You are no exception!

You know how you always hear those success stories of what other people have done? If you’re like me (or you’re human), sometimes they can make you a little jealous or depressed.

How come it always works out so well for those other people?

Well, here’s the hidden reality behind every single one of the success stories we’ve published:

Zero of them were easy, AND none of them went perfectly.

In fact, we find that much of the time we are helping our students make it easier to change to work they love by focusing on the right things, but focusing on the right things alone doesn’t automatically make you successful.

In today’s episode, I talk about how career happiness really works. In fact, this episode is one of the lessons I teach inside Career Change Bootcamp.

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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

A little while back, I had a Skype call with a former Google employee who made a transition into a role that fits his strengths even better. He is totally thrilled!

I wanted to tell you about it because you might be thinking “who on earth chooses to leave Google? That’s the holy grail of dream jobs!” And that’s what most people think from the outside, right?

But a big trap that it’s easy to fall into when you’re searching for jobs is comparing your insides to someone else’s outsides.

For example, being in a job that looks like a dream job on the outside doesn’t mean it’s going to be the dream fit for YOUR inner values, strengths and interests.

I can’t tell you how many people find HTYC because they’re in a job they thought would be great, but isn’t — it ends up being someone else’s dream and not their own. Or, we get emails every day about people who feel like they can’t get clarity on what their next career move looks like, so they’re stuck in a mental pressure cooker wanting to make a change forward but not knowing how.

Does that sound like you? If so, grab a pen and paper because I have a ton of lessons I’ve learned from personally coaching 1,100 people through career transitions that I want to share with you to save you time, headaches, and help you make the transition you’re dreaming of happen.

In today’s episode, I share 6 keys to career happiness and then how to use this information to make your change and how to focus your time to be most effective.

I vividly remember being in a job that wasn’t fulfilling at all. When I was there, I didn’t understand how this whole career happiness thing worked and honestly thought that if I could just get to a better job situation then it would solve all my problems.

Which means that many of us are going about the job change somewhat blindly, we’re looking at job postings online or trying to network or updating our LinkedIn profiles even spending time going on interviews but the problem is that we don’t even know exactly what a fulfilling career looks like for us.

Now here’s the tricky part, we as human beings are pretty terrible at determining what will actually make us happy.


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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

So what happens when you’re in your role working for a company and, for the most part, it's been great.

You've been there for a while, and you know lots of good things have come out of it.

You've worked with a good team and you've had a lot of fun.

It's been pretty meaningful, except …

Now a lot of those things have either stopped or changed.

Whether it's caused by a company merger or a new boss or a completely different situation.

And that is that is where our next podcast guest found themselves.

I say guest, but this is actually a bit of a different episode.

We've done this once or twice before where we've shared an actual coaching session with you, allowing you to sit in as a fly on the wall, listening to somebody that we've worked with.

On today’s episode, you're going to hear Elizabeth begin in the early stages of identifying what she really wants and needs.

And even more importantly than that, some of the ways that I guide her through to help begin making this happen immediately.

You're not going to hear any magic bullets in this episode (because there are none in reality), but you are going to hear some things that you may be able to integrate into your own personal life and career change right away.

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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

“Most of the people I know, and coach, are recovering people-pleasers…”

New York Times Best Selling Author, Michael Hyatt said this to me in our recent conversation.


In fact, I’m a recovering people-pleaser myself.

In my first professional job, I working between 80-90 hours a week. Part of that was because the job was a bad fit. Part of that was because there was a huge expectation to work a ton of hours. And part of that was that I said “yes” to everything my boss asked me to do.

Absolutely everything.

Saying “yes” to every project - to every request.

“Yes, sir, I can make that happen!”

“Yes, I can get that extra presentation done.”

Saying “yes” to all that took a bad situation and turned it into a totally intolerable situation.


Saying “yes” to too many things can hold you back from career happiness. At first, you may be excited that you’re the person that everyone can depend on.

But then it changes.

People start asking you to do more and more because “______ always finds a way to get it done.” In fact, it gets to the point that the people make you their first stop.

This can cause resentment, stress, and fatigue - none of which produce career happiness. But you also find it difficult - or impossible - to stop saying “yes.”


Saying “no” is exactly what we talk about in today’s episode with Michael Hyatt. Michael is a best-selling author (multiple times over) and was previously the CEO of a publishing company before starting his own company.

Michael is also a self-admitted, recovering people-pleaser. As such, throughout past few decades, he has had to learn to say “no” gracefully. In other words, he had to protect his own time and priorities. At one point, he said it this way:

“The way that you can give people a really firm ‘No’ is to have a really firm ‘yes’ on the other side of it.”

Also, he gives specific examples of how he can say “no” to a request, but still present a solution for the person. And people thank him for saying “no.”

Listen to this episode to hear the whole conversation, including:

  • Why it’s so hard for you to say “No” to people...and what to do about it
  • How to get back hours of free time each week
  • The connection between having a vision and conquering daily distractions
  • Using elimination, automation, and delegation to crush even more tasks on your to-do list
  • Why you need more than one routine to run your day
  • The most important things you can do to be more focused and more productive

Also, as an added bonus, Michael shares the best advice on how to stay happily married for 40 years.

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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT