Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Creating Passive Income with Kathy Fettke

Have you found yourself asking the same question about how in the world you can not only make money doing what you love, but also how you can find the time to do all of that while having a life outside of the work you love?

Kathy Fettke has the answer and the experience to share how you can start taking the first steps into the direction that will achieve those goals.

In this episode, she also wants to simplify the process, so you don't make the same mistakes that she has made while learning to make passive income herself.

Some of her tips include:
- Don't jump into anything that you know anytnothing about
- Understand the basics
- Learn everything you can - especially the fundamentals
- Get your advice from someone that is doing what you want to do

Listen as she shares ways people can create a space for themselves to make it possible to live life the way they want to with the the people that love the most!


Direct download: htyc163-kathy-fettke.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Fight Burn Out and Get Intentional in Your Career with Emilie Aries

Have you ever experienced career burn out?

It seems like now more than ever, we are living in this “burn out culture” where we are working more hours while our productivity has become stagnant.

According to today’s guest, Emilie Aries, many of us are experiencing more career burn out because we are “not prioritizing efficiency for hours in and hours out” and we have begun “operating in a timid workplace environment where our self-worth is intrinsically connected to our product.”

Becoming more intentional in how you spend your time and who you spend it with is key in the maintenance in self-care.

“Happier, healthier people are more focused and more productive.”

In today’s episode, Emilie shares her thoughts on how your personal decisions and choices amount to your collective decisions and choices. She also goes into the core values that helped her transform her career and life from a place of burn out to the much more happy and much more productive place in her career and life that she is at now.

Listen here: Fight Career Burn Out and Get Intentional in Your Career

Direct download: htyc162-emilie-aries.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Turning Your Passion Into Your Career with Christie Mims

Passion can be defined in many ways in relation to your career.

Christie Mims, the founder of the Revolutionary Club, a Forbes Top 100 website for your career, wants people to separate their passion from their job.

According to Christie, in the grander scale of things, passion plays a bigger part in your career than you think.

So, what is passion?

Passion is two part. It's your interest and engagement.

Passion is your North Star and your job is fueled by your passion.

Basically, passion is who you are and your job is how you express that passion.

Finding your passion takes a little bit of courage in order to get off the beaten career path and embrace who you are and what motivates you to do good work.

In the podcast, Christie shares how to find your passion and how to turn that into a career that you love.

Listen here!

Turning Your Passion Into Your Career with Christie Mims

Direct download: htyc161-christie-mims.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Stop Chasing the Job Title with Lindsay Moroney

Many people are often conditioned to follow a traditional path of success.

After college, you get an internship. That internship turns into a job. Then you work your way to the top of your firm or gain success in a specialty.

You do all of the work that lines up with that job title that you've been aiming for since your freshman year of college.

That was the plan for our guest, Lindsay Moroney. She "planned" to go to college for pre-med, until she took an art history class that derailed her from that clear path to success. It was in that decision to ditch pre-med and follow her passion for art history that led her to her current position as the Vice President of Strategy and Operations for The Muse.

Listen as Lindsay shares how to redefine your own path to success and how being authentic with herself and following her what made her happy has led her to this particular point in her life and career where she is thriving.


Direct download: htyc160-lindsay-moroney.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The Power of Storytelling

Writing like a Pro in the business world seems like a huge undertaking that is easier said than done.

Luckily, we have Danny H. Rubin as our guest today.

Danny Rubin is “THE writing guy.” Danny has studied communications since college and has worked as a TV News Reporter and Consultant and has come back around to what he loves most, which is writing. He uses his greatest strength to teach practical writing instruction for the business world. From writing to apply for jobs to writing to start a business from scratch, Danny offers his writing advice as the writing expert in the business world.

We have all been so conditioned to write a resume and cover letter the same way. So, a hiring manager is going to expect that same template from every candidate.

But, Danny is here to walk you through a process that will show you how to go about writing those pieces in a smarter, more strategic way.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the power of telling YOUR story of success in your cover letter. Danny will help you learn how to write to command attention, prove your ability, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.



Direct download: htyc159-ccb-danny-rubin.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT