Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Long before you even begin thinking about going on an interview, you need to get into the right mindset. This accounts for nearly 80% of your interview success!

Having a confident, present mindset allows you to head into your future interviews with ease. It channels your nerves (those sweaty palms and racing heart) into excitement instead. And, it allows you to be yourself.

In order to get into this mindset though, you have to know yourself well, and respect your past experiences. You need to understand your career equity. And, that takes introspection.

That introspection doesn’t come overnight either. It’s a practice that builds up over time, which is why “cramming” for interviews isn’t effective. Being true self in an interview comes down to self-development.

Direct download: htyc249.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Did you know there are 3 primary ways to start a business, and each is tailored to specific personalities? Listen to learn which business recipe fits your unique disposition.


Find the guide, transcript, and more at https://happentoyourcareer.com/248


For even more stories of how High Achievers find career happiness find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Direct download: htyc248.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Ever feel like you’re headed on a career trajectory that you don’t even want anymore? The 5-year plan worked in an age when pensions existed, but today, the working world has changed. You don’t have to take the one-way street. You can make u-turns, take on-ramps and off-ramps, and even create your own, never-before-seen path to career happiness. And we can help you do it.


Listen to our interview with Maxie McCoy, author of You’re Not Lost: An Inspired Action Plan for Finding Your Own Way, to find out the simple secret to finding a career you love.

Direct download: htyc247.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST



What happens when you’re already in a good work and life situation but what you really want is to be in an “ideal” situation?

For example: What if you have a career you love, get paid well, have great relationships… but you recognize it could even be better.

We’ve learned by working with thousands of people that to get to lead a life most people will never lead, you have to do things most people wouldn’t be willing to do.

While this can range from doing the hard work to figure out what your ideal life looks like to contacting hard to reach people, it always means doing things many others are unwilling to do.

For Robbie, who had a great role in DC with a great company, this meant getting away to get new experiences and clarity on what she wanted for her next chapter in her life.

It also meant designing a sabbatical that was both fun, uncomfortable, scary and fulfilling a 5 year dream of a multi month road trip around the continental US.

Our team got the pleasure of helping her design this experiment leading to her next step.

Along the way I personally got to meet her as she and I sat down in our Podcast and Video Studio in Moses Lake WA to talk about:

What caused her to want to leave an already good career
How she was intentional about designing a sabbatical that would give her more feedback and clarity
The simple formula to not accepting less in career and life (which came from Robbie’s late father)

Listen to the entire episode here and read the blog

or listen to all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast


And follow Robbie's adventures here:



Direct download: htyc246.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST