Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

We get sent A LOT of questions about how we get from having a job- that we either hate or one that no longer meets our career ambitions, to landing a job or getting on the “right” career path that will make us happier in our lives.

Today Gia Ganesh joins the conversation. Gia is our newest HTYC career coach and like many people that listen to the HTYC podcast, she didn’t always have her career figured out.

If you take a look at Gia’s resume, it’s quite impressive. She boasts two Masters degrees and began her career in the corporate space of Technology Project Management and moved on to Management Consulting before finally realizing that she thrived in a place that let her help people develop their full potential in work and life.

Now, Gia is working full-time as a Career Strategist and coach who works with high-achievers to help them identify and lead fulfilling personal and professional lives.

In today's podcast, Gia answers a couple of questions from the HTYC audience and shares why doing your research and collecting your very own data points is one of the key elements that will lead you to finding out how to pursue your next career.

Check out: HTYC Episode 167

Direct download: htyc167-gia-ganesh.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Building on Business with Ace Chapman

It's really easy to get caught up in the corporate trap.

Some folks may feel stuck during that process of climbing the corporate ladder, before they realize that they are built to be more of an entrepreneur than someone that is trying to make it in the corporate world.

Many entrepreneurs (actually even those that don't have an entrepreneurial bone in their body) want to be able to use what they're good at with whatever they decide to do with their businesses/careers.

If you're anything like Ace Chapman, our guest today, and you have an eye for opportunity and the understanding of what is right for you and your lifestyle, listen to the episode and learn how you can build out your vision and straight-line to your goals.

Building on Business with Ace Chapman

Direct download: htyc166-ace-chapman.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Building a Business with Olivia Gamber - Revisited!

Have you ever thought about starting a new business, but don't know where to begin because you don't have the time between your full-time job and your other personal obligations, like spending time with your family?

Today, we revisit a past episode that features a former client and now great friend of HTYC, Olivia Gamber. Olivia shares her story of how she took her side business and grew it into a full-time business career.

Also in the podcast, Olivia and Scott discuss some of the biggest takeaways they have learned when they decided to grow each of their businesses. The discussion gets into everything from how to make the time to focus on building your side business, to becoming a business owner, and to how to validate your business as a real way to replace the income you bring in from your current job.

If you want to learn what first-time business mistakes to avoid when you start up, listen here!


Direct download: htyc-165.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Working Abroad with Scott and Alyssa Barlow

Many people dream of living and working abroad. And if it's not the dream of living and working abroad, it's the dream of having the freedom to do such a thing.

It's an unconventional life, but when has HTYC ever been about following the unspoken "norm" of society?

We thrive on new ideas and breaking out of the mold of what we like to call "the traditional path of success." And we support you in following that unconventional way of thinking!

Scott and Alyssa Barlow have just recently returned home (to Washington state) from a 6-week stint of living (and working!) abroad.

Today's show features their experience of bringing their family to Europe.

Scott and Alyssa share the challenges they encountered with not only trying to take in as much of the European experience as possible, but as business owners, they had to do their fair share of work, while trying to balance their family life.

In the podcast, they chat about their biggest takeaways of their work experience abroad and share their thoughts on why you may want to consider working abroad.

Listen here!
Working Abroad with Scott and Alyssa Barlow

Direct download: htyc164.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST