Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Common Barriers Preventing you from Figuring Out What You Want

Ok. Let’s talk. Today we’re digging deep into what’s REALLY stopping you from finding what you want in your career. Have you taken jobs because they were available? Have you started a job thinking it would be something that it turned out not to be? Are you stuck trying to decide what to do next? Trouble is, most people think finding work that fits them starts with looking forward. We think it starts with looking backwards. Most people will work their entire careers without ever truly figuring out what makes them happy. We don’t want you to be most people. We’ll lay out the most common barriers to figuring out what you REALLY want and show you how to break through them! Grab our FREE 8-day course at figureitout.co!

Direct download: htyc080.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Lessons Learned from a Serial Entrepreneur with Andrea Lake

Thinking about starting a business?  You don’t want to miss this interview then!  Andrea Lake is what you’d call a serious serial entrepreneur.  She’s founded over 14 businesses since the age of 18, some of which include StickerJunkie.com, YogaJunkie, and Delinquent Distribution (the company that owns sales rights to merchandise for some of the world’s biggest video games...think Minecraft and World of Warcraft!).  Now, she’s focusing on training and mentoring others to build their own successful businesses through MentorMojo, an online learning and mentorship platform and Lessons.biz, a 6-week training course on how to start a t-shirt business! She walks us through her journey to success and leaves us with some of the most valuable business advice you’ll ever receive this side of an MBA!  Need help finding the work that fits you?  Enroll in our FREE 8-day course at figureitout.co!

Direct download: htyc079.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The End of Jobs with Taylor Pearson

Work as we know it is changing, whether we like it or not.  Are you prepared? Taylor Pearson is a “systems-obsessed entrepreneur, marketer, and philosopher” with a passion for helping other entrepreneurs. He’s worked on the Tropical MBA podcast, done community management for the Dynamite Circle, a top mastermind forum for location-independent entrepreneurs, and managed marketing and sales for 7-figure ecommerce businesses.  He talks to us about the shifting landscape of the job market and gives valuable insights into how we can best prepare ourselves for success now and into the future.  His book The End of Jobs: How A Section of the Middle Class Getting Rich is coming out on June 30th! Are you looking to make a career change, but don’t know where to start? Enroll in our FREE 8-day course at figureitout.co!

Direct download: htyc078.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

How to Stand Out on LinkedIn with Al Smith

It's time to update your job search skills!  Learn how you can be a standout candidate on platforms like Linkedin and position yourself perfectly for your dream job!  Turn your search on its head and have the recruiters find YOU!  Al Smith spent 35 years working in sales, management, marketing, and training for Xerox, Kimberly-Clark, and Systema.  His new book with co-author Jeff Sheehan is called HIRED! Paths to Employment in the Social Media Era and is available now!  Looking to make a career change?  Register for our FREE 8-day course at figureitout.co!

Direct download: htyc076.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT