Mon, 16 July 2018
What if you could take the very small parts of your past jobs that you love the very most, and spend most of your day doing those things that you were great at and made you happy? That’s what it’s like to work in your strengths. The more that we use our strengths in a day, the less likely we are to feel stressed, worried, angry or sad! Finding your strengths makes it easier to discover exactly what you want out of your career and life.
What you’ll learn
Have career change questions or want to make an introduction? Email
Free Resources What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out! Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.
Related Episodes
Mon, 31 July 2017
Mon, 24 July 2017
The art of life crafting. Ever heard of it? It's about defining what you want in your life, taking that vision, and prioritizing where you put your energy and effort to achieve those goals. Simple enough, right? You'd be surprised how many people don't take advantage of the benefits that life crafting can bring into their lives. Not only will it open doors to everything that is possible for you, but it will also provide a framework to get to the life you want. Now, let's take a moment and think about what it is that you would like to have in your life. Think about it this way, in a perfect world, what does your life look like? In terms of your career, where would you be working? What would you be doing? How does your work impact your personal life? Life crafting allows you to design your career goals and manage how your career aligns with your overall life goals. In order to get comfortable with the idea of life crafting, we'll take a look at what may be holding you back from intentionally designing a life you’d be in love with and how to move forward in achieving your career goals to better fit that life you've designed. |
Mon, 17 July 2017
As High-Performers, we like to make sure we have the majority of our bases covered before we dive head-first into the deep-end of our career change. Today, we have Rebecca Maddox as a guest on our podcast. Listen in as she shares her challenges in finding the right way to communicate with her support system as she took on her cross-country career change. Learn ways you can navigate your relationships in order to remain authentic to yourself and your career goals. |
Mon, 3 July 2017
In your ideal world, what does your life look like? What kind of work would you be doing? What is stopping you from achieving that now? Seriously, what is stopping you? Here’s a hint: NOTHING IS STOPPING US FROM MOVING TOWARD OUR GOALS, VISIONS, LIVES WE DREAM OF… There’s this interesting concept about “learned permission-seeking.” We’ve been conditioned by parents, teachers, and society to ask for permission to do things. Now when it comes to change, as adults, we still wait for that permission to make a change. We look for someone to give us permission or validate our choice to try a new hobby, go back to school, quit a steady job to start our own businesses, flip career paths, or create any type of change within our lives. Permission stops so many people from moving forward. Oftentimes, we find ourselves in these situations where we seem stuck because nobody has given us the green light to proceed with our actions — which is crazy, since these are our own lives we are talking about (!). But, there are ways to create that permission for yourself to be more, do more, and achieve more of your goals. Check out the episode to hear more about how you can start giving yourself the permission you need to start living a life you love with MJ Fitzpatrick. |
Mon, 19 June 2017
Whoever said that hard work and perseverance doesn’t pay off sure didn’t meet Tanya. What Tanya Malcolm Revell did when she was looking to make her big career change was no easy feat. Besides being an American looking for work that fit her in London, Tanya is also a Career Change Bootcamp alum and our guest for this installment of our most recent CCB success story. After experiencing the overwhelm of career burnout from her previous positions and frustration with the job search overseas, Tanya found HTYC, enrolled in Bootcamp, put in the hard work, built strategic relationships, and persevered even after some unanswered phone calls and emails to land her dream job. Curious how she did it? Check out the episode and blog to learn: |
Mon, 12 June 2017
When it comes to your career transition, it’s not information you’re lacking. In fact, it can feel like there’s an overabundance of data and research on anything and everything out there, thanks to the interwebs. Career change is about making the connection between the strengths you have right where you are -- and the possible paths towards where you want to go. Take a moment to listen to today’s episode, Successfully Pivot Your Career with Jenny Blake, to learn:
Mon, 5 June 2017
Want to know how to stop trying to combine everything together and start strategically pulling out the pieces of your past and your strengths that will serve you well in your future career? That’s exactly what we cover in today’s podcast with Avery Roth, one of our All Star Career Coaches and our resident “Strategist” You’ll get to learn all about how she’s done this for herself in this podcast, (before she joined HTYC she got her start in finance then became an aspiring photographer, then changed to a startup strategist). If you ever get a chance to work with Avery, you’ll quickly find that one of the great things about Avery is the way she uses her own career journey to help dig deeper into her client’s career and business goals in a methodical way to reign in their focus to achieve their ideal results. In the episode, Avery teaches you:
Head on over to the blog and listen the podcast to learn how to find the next step to your career change.
Mon, 22 May 2017
There's been a lot of talk recently about resilience. You know what goes hand-in-hand with resilience? overcome. work through. Mental disengage. We've all experienced setbacks in life, but it's about how we react to them that makes the difference between reaching our goals or letting them fall by the wayside. When it comes to career change, many people, including High Performers, are bound to stumble on a few things before ultimately reaching their new career. Now, how is your career transition going? Is it going nowhere fast? It was for Sarah Hawkins. That is until she asked for help (when she knew that she needed it!). Sarah Hawkins -- our guest on today’s podcast and Career Change Bootcamp Alumni, just landed her dream job (that she didn’t even know that she wanted!) as the Operations Coordinator of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children). She joins us as our featured success story from our Career Change Bootcamp program. Check out the podcast to hear Sarah’s story as it explains Why High Performers Aren’t Afraid to Ask for Help and how the CCB program helped steer her in the right direction to land her dream job with an organization and a cause that she was excited about and to negotiate salary for the first time ever. |
Mon, 8 May 2017
Have you ever been so excited about a new project or goal that you’ve set for yourself that you just can’t wait to start? You sit and visualize yourself going through the motions of the process, checking off all the boxes on your to-do list, and finally you check off that last task, then you bask in the feeling of victory after you’ve achieved your accomplishment. That entire process, the drive and determination, the movement forward, that feeling of accomplishment…that is what it means to be unhackable. To be unhackable means to close the gap that exists between your ideas and the implementation of your ideas. It means building yourself up to become an unstoppable force that reaches goals. Take that philosophy and apply it to the process of your career transition and you become unhackable by eliminating all of the obstacles that stop you from reaching your dream career. What drives many people to career change is the idea that there is a big potential for something more than what they’ve got going on in their career right now. But sometimes even people with the strongest mindsets, get hacked. There are a handful (maybe more than a handful) of things that stop people dead in their tracks as they begin their journey into a new career. But just like computer systems have software that work to prevent getting hacked, there are ways for you to be proactive in becoming unhackable. Listen in as Kary Oberbrunner dives into how to become unhackable: |
Mon, 1 May 2017
Multipotentialite. Whichever term you favor, the meaning behind it is what’s important. According to our guest (and coiner of the term), Emilie Wapnick, a multipotentialite is a person that doesn’t have “one true calling the way that specialists do.” While having the drive to learn new things and master new skills is a fantastic quality and strength to have while job searching, a lot of multi-passionate people struggle with finding a career that “fits” them because they have such a wide range of interests. This makes it hard to narrow down a specific career, since there are so many choices out there that they can thrive in. |
Mon, 24 April 2017
When you don’t know what career path you want to take, the process of getting started can be paralyzing. Just thinking about a career change can cause stress, anxiety, frustration, and fear. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure of what your next step should be, you’re in the right place.
What you’ll learn
Have career change questions or want to make an introduction? Email
Free Resources What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out! Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.
Related Episodes
Mon, 17 April 2017
In today's podcast, Add Value, Grow Your Career, Michael Bigelow - a results-driven energy engineer and HTYC coaching client, stops by to share his experience of his own job transition and his biggest takeaways from successfully applying through remote job searches. Michael elaborates on the career-centric "value-adds" that make the difference in getting a job offer or going back to the drawing board. |
Mon, 10 April 2017
Mon, 13 February 2017
Have you ever thought about starting a new business, but don't know where to begin because you don't have the time between your full-time job and your other personal obligations, like spending time with your family? Today, we revisit a past episode that features a former client and now great friend of HTYC, Olivia Gamber. Olivia shares her story of how she took her side business and grew it into a full-time business career. Also in the podcast, Olivia and Scott discuss some of the biggest takeaways they have learned when they decided to grow each of their businesses. The discussion gets into everything from how to make the time to focus on building your side business, to becoming a business owner, and to how to validate your business as a real way to replace the income you bring in from your current job. If you want to learn what first-time business mistakes to avoid when you start up, listen here!