Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
How Signature Strengths Impact Your Career

Are you wanting to make the move to work that you love and stop doing work that doesn't fit you... guess what? It's not your boss that makes this hard (ok well sometimes) but more than that it's whether or not you understand the things that you enjoy so much that it feels like play. 

Scott and Mark discuss signature strengths and how they impact your career. 

Find all the links and shownotes at http://happentoyourcareer.com/46

Direct download: HTYC_046.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 12:00pm PST


Have you ever wondered what the right time is to pursue different work?

Sometimes it's painfully clear! (we work with people every day that have some serious disdain for their jobs)

But what if it's not as obvious? What if you actually like your job and just aren't sure if you should be pursuing something more meaningful... or what if you have multiple opportunities but aren't sure how to measure which one would be better for you.?

This is exactly the question that we just faced just recently when setting out the goals for the rest of this year and into next year!

How do you know when it's time to move on to something else?

This is hard, even for us (and it's kind of what we do here at Happen to Your Career.)

In this episode You learn

  • When it's past time for you to leave your job or your business
  • How to know what the warning signs are
  • What to actually do about it!
Direct download: HTYC_043_How_do_You_Know_When_its_Time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Networking Tips That Don't Take a Ton of Time (without going to boring events)

Taking time for networking and building relationships sucks!... well it does if you are not good at it.

What if you could not only get good at it, but do it in less than 20 minutes each day WITHOUT having to go to networking events.

That's what today's podcast episode is all about! Mark discusses with us some very tactical (and actionable) ways you can become a better at networking!

We’re all busy. and one of the biggest challenges we all have with networking is time...so here’s a few ways to grow your network in 20 min a day (address very briefly…)

In this episode you will learn

  • LinkedIn Recommendations
  • Birthday calls/life events
  • Be a noticer
  • Quarterly Reach Out Emails
Direct download: HTYC_045.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

The Pareto Principle and Why it Matters in Your Career

Do you wonder why you can't get what you want in your career? I'll bet it's because you are not focusing on the 20% of stuff that ACTUALLY MATTERS. 

Wondering what I'm talking about? Today's episode talk's about Pareto and what he observed in nature that is critical to your career (and your whole life) 

Check out http://happentoyourcareer.com/onestop to find out how to choose work you truly want to be doing!

Direct download: HTYC_42_The_80_20_rule_for_your_career.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm PST