Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Your life's work. It's quite an intimidating thing to think about.

When you look back to your younger years, what do you remember wanting to be when you "grew up"?

Is that the job that you are currently doing?

Sometimes when we look back to those days of innocence, we find where our passion lies.

Half of figuring out your own career transition is looking back at all of your life's experiences and determining what you are naturally good at. What you're known for doing really well by those people that surround you.

Today, our guest Yuri Kruman shares his personal experience in figuring out his own life's work. From trying to please his family's wishes on what they thought would bring him much success, to getting "kicked-out" of grad school, and finally to doing what it is that he is most passionate about in life.

Yuri discusses ways to find out what your natural role is to help you translate that natural ability to a new career.

171 Figuring Out Your Life's Work with Yuri Kruman

Direct download: htyc-171-yuri-kruman.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Losing a job, going through a career-existential crisis, or even if you've made the conscious decision to make a career change on your own terms, are all BIG LIFE CHANGES.

In any type of life change, it is important to be aware of the effects these changes may have on your health and wellness.

BIG life changes, especially if they are unexpected- like a job loss, can bring on an overwhelming amount of stress. It may feel like the world is turning upside down on you and when you're in it, you might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, it's there. Believe me, it is there.

Today, Dr. Phil Carson, a registered Pharmacist and practitioner in alternative, holistic medicines and therapies, joins the show to share his story about the stress he experienced through losing his job, starting a business, losing that business, the growing debt that came with it, and how he was able to come out of it with high spirits.

He also goes on to share tips on how to manage that stress that comes along with big life changes and ways to identify when you need to seek more help.

Check it out: 170 Navigating Through the Stress with Dr. Phil Carson

Direct download: htyc-170-phil-carson.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Question: What is your definition of success?

Is it the size of your paycheck?
Enjoying what you do?
Is it the impact you make in other people’s lives?

Maybe it is having the freedom to start and leave work whenever you please?

Whatever your definition of success is, do you know how you’re going to achieve it?

Some people may have an idea, but most of us don’t.

Most of us follow the system and hope to progress accordingly.

But, is that really the most efficient way to achieve the success we have in mind?

Probably not.

That’s kind of where Regan Hillyer found herself after following the systematic path of going to school to major in architecture and being asked to look into her future as an architect 20 years into her career. She was not happy about what she saw in her future, so she changed her path.

She did a lot of soul-searching and decided to be proactive about her future by working on herself first.

Regan now helps others with personal development by teaching them how to set their own “success mindset” to build their online empire with their personal brand.

In the podcast, Regan shares how to be more proactive about your success by incorporating a more solid way to realize your vision of success.

Listen in!

Check out the blog at 169 Rewiring Your Mindset for Success with Regan Hillyer

Direct download: htyc169-regan-hillyer.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Many of us start our careers thinking that these fancy job titles sound amazing. But, more often than not, we don't stop to think if these jobs actually fit who we are as people or the lifestyle we truly want to live out.

Finding that ideal role at the perfect company that fits our core strengths and values isn't an easy task.

At HTYC, we try and help guide you to a career that fits you. The only thing we ask of you is for you to understand that:

  • It is going to take a little digging into yourself to find this ideal career
  • How much you put into the thought process (that we'll layout for you), will likely effect the results you get in your "job search"
  • This process isn't magic and it will not produce immediate results
  • Your genuine participation is necessary

Listen to the podcast as Scott outlines the steps you need to take to do the whole career change/job search process differently to achieve that happy, healthy work-life integration that people talk about enjoying so much.

For the step-by-step process that will show you how you can find that career that fits your everyday-life needs, check out: 168 Careers: How to Do It Differently with Scott Anthony Barlow

Direct download: htyc168.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST