Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Become Indispensable

No matter what type of life change prompts you to rework your career journey, there are always ways to improve your situation and stay ahead of the career change game.

Today's show features Enrico Torres, an unassuming entrepreneur with a work ethic that perseveres through constant improvement. He spent over two decades working as a restaurant kitchen manager and a roofer before deciding that he needed a change (for the better) to accommodate his new life as a father.

His motto to become indispensable continues to carry him through his ever-evolving career changes as he believes in focusing on working harder to improve yourself to be better than the last guy that had your job.

Listen as Enrico shares his biggest takeaways from starting his business from scratch, while working his day job. He talks openly about his experience of making his dream happen and how the hustle never stops, especially when you become an entrepreneur!

Direct download: htyc158-enrico-torres.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Regaining Perspective

Have you been living a calculated, box-checking life?

Are you tired? Bored? Wondering if there is more to life than just sleeping, eating, and working...just to repeat it the next day?

Are you looking for a change of pace, lifestyle, or career?

That is exactly how our guest, Tracy Timm, felt after checking off the boxes of graduating from Yale and getting a job on Wall Street out of college.

Tracy began to feel the effects of the classic "high-achiever" looking for more from life than just her job- which began to make her miserable.

After deciding that picking misery and safety over an actual fulfilling life was not how she wanted to continue, she laid her cards on the table for her employers and ultimately left Wall Street to begin her entrepreneurial journey (after her trip around the world to regain a new perspective on life, of course).

Listen as Tracy shares how she got her perspective back to make the switch from the corporate life to a life defined on her own terms.

Check it out: 157 Regaining Perspective with Tracy Timm

Direct download: htyc157-tracy-timm.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Getting into the Entrepreneurial Mindset with Laura Roeder

Have you been thinking about starting your own business?

Are you ready to take the leap to quit your day job?

Starting a new business seems like a big, scary decision to make, but it doesn't have to be.

Just ask Laura Roeder, who did just that. She quit her full-time job to branch out on her own.

Today's show features Laura's story of how she left her full-time job to chase her dream of working for herself, building her business, and doing exactly what she wanted to do with her career (without waiting the long 10-years that's usually required to climb to the top of an organization).

In the podcast, Laura discusses some of her biggest takeaways from quitting her job to starting and growing her business.

Laura shares everything from how she made the big decision to jump into the entrepreneur life, to landing her first clients, and how she has learned to evolve her business with the ever-changing digital world.

Listen here!

Direct download: htyc156-laura-roeder.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Breaking Down the Difficulties of Career Change

Are you exhausted and burnt out from your current job that you can 't even think about what it is going to take to change careers?

It's time to re-calibrate your mindset to make that career change to something you enjoy (finally!).

Two keywords: Space and Margin.

In today's episode our career coach, Lisa Lewis, drops in to share why it's important to create time and space for you to visualize and design your next career.

From there, you will be able to layout what you have in front of you to begin making those marginal decisions to get you to your next career. Don't over-think...small steps is the goal.

Listen in as Lisa also discusses some of the realistic, potential positive and negative outcomes if you decide to invite your current employer to discuss your thoughts of a career change.


Direct download: htyc155-ccb-launch.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST