Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

In this conversation with Chris we get deep into how:

  • Take off some of the pressure by learning the difference between a startup and an income generating project.
  • Learn how a side hustle is different from being a full blown entrepreneur.
  • There is nothing wrong with you if you don’t want to quit your job tomorrow and take a big risk to start your own thing. You have other options.
  • Not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own thing on the side.
  • Learn how to decide what kind of side hustle is right for you.
  • How you can use your power of observation and curiosity to find possible side hustles that fit you.
  • Learn the steps to identify and execute an effective side hustle.
  • Learn how to truly identify and get specific with your ideal customer.
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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

I remember in 2006 I had just been fired from a job that I hated.


I was pretty determined to not have to go back to “just another job” where I would spend my days just waiting for the weekend as I grinded it out in meetings that had no meaning to me.


So I began learning everything I could about people who get well paid AND love their work. Let’s call these people “Happy High Achievers”


One of the things that I observed right away is that Happy High Achievers don’t often get jobs by traditional means. When you’re outside and looking in it almost seems random. It’s not though.


It also doesn’t have anything to do with applying 200 plus times on Indeed or LinkedIn.


So how do they do it?


Well we’ve talked in the past about the importance of prioritizing what you want. That’s step 1, you must understand where you’re going to make it easier to get there. That said Happy High Achievers realize that people hire other people (not companies and not computers) which means that the very biggest short cut to finding work that fits you (or even getting positions created for you) is through relationships.


Now over the years I personally have found the very fastest way to begin a relationship with someone else isn’t networking events (and it definitely isn’t speed networking!) It’s also not social media.


Instead it’s through something far easier: introductions.



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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST


Emilie Aries is the Founder and CEO of Bossed Up, an organization that promotes a program that helps thousands of women step into their own power as the boss of their lives and careers.

After having fought career burnout herself, Emilie made it her mission to share her experience and continue to educate women on how to craft happy, healthy, and sustainable career paths that focus on preventing burnout by providing support to help women navigate pivot points in their careers and lives.



  • You’ll learn the 3 core variables to help fight burn out
  • We discuss how breaking away from “the norm” and changing your mindset will help you see and value your self-worth
  • Why we should all stop chasing those “merit badges” if we want to truly thrive in our careers and prevent burn out
  • Investing in yourself and why you should ALWAYS put your oxygen mask on first!
    • The power of saying, “No.”
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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

  • Learn why it’s important to be authentic and honest during the interview process and how it can put you a step above the rest.
  • How can hard conversations lead to better opportunities?
  • Learn how defining the lifestyle you want and including that want into your job search can make all the difference.
  • The fear of money may be holding you back from making a change. Learn how to overcome that fear and get clear on your money situation.
  • Could staying in your current situation actually be costing you money? Listen and we will tell you how to find out.
  • Maybe that great accomplishment shouldn’t be on your resume - Learn what should and shouldn’t be on your resume when making an industry switch.
  • Hear how not taking yourself too seriously and joking around can lead to more connections and more opportunities.
  • Find out how interviews can not only help you learn about a particular job but can help you define what kind of environment you will truly excel in.
Direct download: htyc207.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST