Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design


Feeling safe and at ease is great and all, but what goals have you ever achieved by staying in your comfort zone??

We’re willing to bet on not many at all.

Nobody ever achieves much by staying in their comfort zone.


Well, achieving goals requires you to aim for something just a little bit out of your reach.

Having a goal makes you look forward to something attainable that may not be in your comfort zone (at the moment).

The question of how and when to reach out of our comfort zones comes up.

When it comes to career change, more likely than not you’ll be faced with the choice to break out of your comfort zone to progress down a new path that may be full of unknowns.

You can look at your career change in one of two ways:

  1. An exciting opportunity to experience something new and grow your skills and knowledge
  2. A big unknown that causes you to feel uncomfortable with the wonder of the what ifs that lead you to revert back and settle in your current job situation

But, the benefits of getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable far outweigh staying in the little bubble of your comfort zone.

Today, Andy Molinsky - an expert on behavior in the business world and author of the new book, Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge, and Build Confidence, joins us on the podcast. He shares insight on:

  • The 5 key challenges underlying our avoidance tendencies when it comes to uncomfortable situations
  • How to overcome these challenges to achieve your career change goals
  • The surprising discoveries you make about yourself as you continue to face your fears by stepping out of your comfort zone

Listen to my chat with Andy on how to Reach Out of Your Comfort Zone to learn the steps you can take to develop a framework to get comfortable turning whatever you are most afraid of doing and positioning yourself to achieve your goals in your career and life.

Direct download: htyc180.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

There's been a lot of talk recently about resilience.

You know what goes hand-in-hand with resilience?

Obstacles....to overcome.

Struggles....to work through.

Mental roadblocks....to disengage.

We've all experienced setbacks in life, but it's about how we react to them that makes the difference between reaching our goals or letting them fall by the wayside.

When it comes to career change, many people, including High Performers, are bound to stumble on a few things before ultimately reaching their new career.

Now, how is your career transition going?

Is it going nowhere fast?

It was for Sarah Hawkins. That is until she asked for help (when she knew that she needed it!).

Sarah Hawkins -- our guest on today’s podcast and Career Change Bootcamp Alumni, just landed her dream job (that she didn’t even know that she wanted!) as the Operations Coordinator of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children).

She joins us as our featured success story from our Career Change Bootcamp program.

Check out the podcast to hear Sarah’s story as it explains Why High Performers Aren’t Afraid to Ask for Help and how the CCB program helped steer her in the right direction to land her dream job with an organization and a cause that she was excited about and to negotiate salary for the first time ever.

Direct download: htyc179.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Most people dread the job application process as they try and stand out in a sea of people who are just as qualified and just as hungry to make it through the first portion of the process: the weeding out phase.

Surprisingly, even the “most skilled” people struggle to get their foot in the door when applying for jobs.

But, there is a little population of the workforce that usually doesn’t have that problem. This group of people are the High Performers – the people who get the early promotions, the big raises, and the exceptional treatment.

While the rest of the world goes into the job application process with the mindset of getting the job, high performers go into the process with the mindset of using this phase to collect as much information about the job, the organization, and the culture of the organization to determine if this is a good fit for them.

Wondering how you can get results like High Performers do?

On today’s podcast, we tackle:

  • Why even some of the most skilled professionals still struggle with the hiring process
  • How you can do to position yourself to stand out among the competition
  • The 3 key principles that you can apply to your own job application process to immediately get the results you want

What are you waiting for, listen to JOB APPLICATIONS: How to Get Results to learn more about and how to follow the High Performer route and get noticed by the hiring manager today!

Direct download: htyc178.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Have you ever been so excited about a new project or goal that you’ve set for yourself that you just can’t wait to start?

You sit and visualize yourself going through the motions of the process, checking off all the boxes on your to-do list, and finally you check off that last task, then you bask in the feeling of victory after you’ve achieved your accomplishment.

That entire process, the drive and determination, the movement forward, that feeling of accomplishment…that is what it means to be unhackable.

To be unhackable means to close the gap that exists between your ideas and the implementation of your ideas.

It means building yourself up to become an unstoppable force that reaches goals.

Take that philosophy and apply it to the process of your career transition and you become unhackable by eliminating all of the obstacles that stop you from reaching your dream career.

What drives many people to career change is the idea that there is a big potential for something more than what they’ve got going on in their career right now.

But sometimes even people with the strongest mindsets, get hacked.

There are a handful (maybe more than a handful) of things that stop people dead in their tracks as they begin their journey into a new career.

But just like computer systems have software that work to prevent getting hacked, there are ways for you to be proactive in becoming unhackable.

Listen in as Kary Oberbrunner dives into how to become unhackable: http://www.happentoyourcareer.com/177

Direct download: htyc177.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Renaissance Person.

Whichever term you favor, the meaning behind it is what’s important.

According to our guest (and coiner of the term), Emilie Wapnick, a multipotentialite is a person that doesn’t have “one true calling the way that specialists do.”

While having the drive to learn new things and master new skills is a fantastic quality and strength to have while job searching, a lot of multi-passionate people struggle with finding a career that “fits” them because they have such a wide range of interests. This makes it hard to narrow down a specific career, since there are so many choices out there that they can thrive in.

She stopped by the podcast to share her insight and strategies on how multipotentialites can approach their career search while combining their most-valued passions to create a happy (income-earning) life.

Listen to the episode to learn more about how you can take your Jack/Jill-of-All-Trade superpowers to the next level of your career.

Direct download: htyc176.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PST