Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Patience In the Evolution of Your Career With Jaime Masters

Have you decided to take the leap into a different career? Or maybe you've decided to start your own business?

Making the decision to start a new business or completely head in a different direction into a new career path isn't an easy one.

Our guest, Jaime Masters, speaks from her very own experience of leaving her successful career as a project manager behind and jumping into the unknown. She is now an incredibly successful business coach with a strong network of millionaires. Her journey into the unknown opened her eyes to what is possible.

Jaime discovered that her strengths were in helping people. Her lessons to be learned are centered around the fact that "you have no idea what you're good at until you do it."

Listen in on our conversation with Jaime Masters. Jaime shares tips on how to be patient in the evolution of who you are. Every time you are asked to make a hard decision, you have to realize that it is a test to see how good you are at a skill.

Happen To Your Career - Episode 139

Direct download: htyc139-jaime-masters.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST

Mastering Your Side Hustle: Incorporating Other Passions into Your Work Life with Tracey Minutolo

We talk about career transitions and finding and turning your passions into a career you love all the time, but what happens when you love where your career is now and you want to work on incorporating some of your other passions into your work life?

Maybe your career has nothing to do with the additional knowledge, skills, or passions that you want to leverage to create a better future for yourself. All you know is that you're motivated and ready to make some moves to start working on something big for yourself.

That's where the side hustle comes in.

Our guest, Tracey Minutolo, has quickly become a side-hustling professional on the topic of side-hustling. She's a full-time lab supervisor at a medical device and diagnostics company by day, and a side-hustling rockstar by heart. 

Tracey got her start in the side-hustle business when she decided it was time to get herself out of debt.

After years of feeling stuck, she found the world of business podcasts and decided to start a small virtual assistant side business, providing social media and community management and other support services for podcasters with purpose.

With the side-hustle fire lit under her, her skill set continues to grow and she is currently coaching others with their side-businesses as HTYC's Side Biz Coach.

Listen as she shares her career and side-hustle journey!

Direct download: htyc138-tracey-minutolo.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST