Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Wondering how to know if you'll like your new career or company before you transition? Good news. We’ve put together 6 ways you can get some reassurance. Take a listen! Or if you want even more detail go over to http://happentoyourcareer.com/206  


  • Learn how you can try out a new career path with minimal risk and in a relatively short period of time.
  • Learn the six experiments for test driving new careers and how to apply them to best fit your situation.
  • How to validate a new career path to move ahead smartly and leave the old baggage behind.
  • Avoid dead man goals and instead learn to make goals that allow you to grow, learn, and face uncertainty.
  • Is being wrong really such a bad thing?
  • Making intentional mistakes can open new doors for you by allowing you to grow your confidence and see what you are capable of.
  • Making mistakes and growing is a muscle you can grow.
  • What do children’s fairy tales have to do with career growth and experimenting? Listen and find out.
  • Learn how you can do work for a company on your terms to see if it’s the work you want to be tied to.
  • Starting that blog or podcast you have been thinking about could be the next great step on your career path.
  • See how being a student forever can help you narrow down your focus and open new opportunities and desires.
  • Listen to the end and accept Lisa’s coaching gauntlet throw down and see how you can bet an accountability buddy.
Direct download: htyc206.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

What if you could find the career that fits you by reframing your weakness? Or what if your greatest weakness was really your secret weapon? It turns out it actually is: 


Ross struggled with his ADHD, a weakness that he thought held him back in his career. After he started paying attention to what was actually happening, he learned how to reframe his weaknesses as “anti-strengths” and was able to find a career that was made for him - strengths and anti-strengths included.


Find the guide, transcript, and more at https://happentoyourcareer.com/292

To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast 

Direct download: htyc292.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

When most people think of their career, they think of their job. A place where they go everyday because they have to, not necessarily because they want to. 

Back in 2005, this was me. I thought that you choose your degree and work really hard through College and go out into the workforce and then you things get awesome! 

Turns out almost nobody has that experience, even after you get 10-15 years into your career less than 13% of people around the world are truly enamored with what they do for work. Yes that means that according to Gallup organization nearly 87% of people would not describe their current work as “Deeply Satisfying” or “Highly Engaging”. Translation: Chances are really high that If you didn’t need to make an income, You definitely wouldn’t spend your time where you’re at right now. 

That’s exactly where I was, too, all those years ago. Not only was my job a bad fit for me, but my 2 hour a day anxiety ridden commutes left me nearly 50 pounds overweight, not being very nice to my wife Alyssa, and feeling like there had to be a better way to do life and work. 

I spent the next decade learning everything I could about how people who love their work do differently. Especially those high achievers who are enamored with their work and get paid very very well for it. 

It turns out that most of what you think you know about what makes people happy at work and how people find a career that fits them, is counterintuitive or just plain wrong.


You can always go over to happentoyourcareer.com and find all of our podcasts and resources in one place. Or if you ever want more help, just email me directly scott@happentoyourcareer.com and either me or my team will get back to you on the very best way we can help.

Direct download: HTYC_000_Introduction.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 7:12am PST