Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Quarantine shouldn’t hold your job search back.

Today, we talk about how to build digital relationships EVEN while sitting at home.

We also address:

  • How to test drive your new career while social distancing
  • Why you can no longer career change the same old way
  • How to find hiring managers during social distancing, shut-downs and working from home

To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc350.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

As we look at creating a career that is fulfilling and meaningful, one piece that gets overlooked is contribution - how you contribute to your family, work, and world.

Tom Rath joins us to help you discover how you contribute to the world. He is a bestselling author and researcher who has spent the past two decades studying how work can improve human health and well-being.

Tom has written many books, his newest out is out now and it is titled, “Life’s Great Question: Discover How You Contribute to the World.” If you don’t recognize his name right away, I’m 100% sure you will recognize his book, “Strengths Finder 2.0” and the Clifton Strengths assessment that goes along with it. 

Additionally, while doing all his research, writing, and many other contributions, he’s spent the last 25 years battling cancer, tumors, and other health challenges. 

To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc349.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

On Monday, I shared a conversation I had with Anne Converse Willkomm, Department Head of Graduate Studies and Assistant Clinical Professor at Drexel University’s Goodwin College of Professional Studies.

We talked about when it was right for you to go back to school.

While going back to college isn’t right for everyone, for those that it is right for now face another question:

“I know going back to school is the right choice for me, but how do I pick the right place/program?”

This can seem very daunting since there are hundreds or even thousands of choices out there.

So as Anne and I got to this part of the conversation on Monday, I knew we had to bring her back to talk about choosing the right college.

As you scan through the possibilities of programs that you could enroll in, you can probably cut out several ones easily (based on things like physical location, availability of online courses, and cost). But you’re still left with at least a handful of options.

As you look into each program, you likely do most of your research online - reading through the pages websites. You may reach out and contact someone at the university.

Being a Department Head, Anne shares that most applicants actually talk to the wrong people when applying, and they don’t ask the right questions.

People usually contact someone in admissions, but the best person to talk to is the director of the program you’re looking into - they will provide the best answers. Admissions can’t get deep enough into giving you the answers to the questions you should be asking, like:

  • Can the program advance my career in ___?
  • How will the courses build my skills/knowledge?
  • What are the students in the program like?
  • Is the school going to be there for me after graduation?


You’ll also hear:

  • What happens when you change your mind while you’re already in school
  • How you can be proactive before you get in this situation
  • How you can know if a college/university is open to making a mid-college change (not all are)


So, if you if going back to school is the right choice for you, this episode is perfect for you.


To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc348.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

When it comes to making a career change, almost everyone we talk to has considered going back to school. On top of a full time job and possibly a family at home, the thought of going back to school makes a majority of those people cringe. Anne Converse Willkomm is a program director at Goodwin College of Professional Studies at Drexel University. She and I discuss whether going back to school will or won’t aid in your career growth. This entire episode is to answer the question, “When is it right to go back to school?” 

What you’ll learn 

  • When it’s necessary to go back to school to advance your career 
  • Why all masters degrees are not created equal, and the specific differences to look for 
  • How to create a “master resume” (which we teach in Career Change Bootcamp!)


Have career change questions or want to make an introduction? Email scott@happentoyourcareer.com 


Free Resources

What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out! 

Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.


Related Episodes

  1. An Overthinker's Guide To Making Better Career Decisions (Spotify / Apple Podcast)
  2. How to Figure Out What You Really Want (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
Direct download: htyc347.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Every year we get career advice questions from thousands of listeners just like you! "Should I get another degree/certificate before starting a new career search? Should I apply to a role if I have less experience than the listing asks for? How do I know if my career is right for me?" Scott & HTYC's Director of Client Results go through a few of the questions we've received and answer them with data-backed answers!

What you'll learn 

  • How identifying the right work environment you want makes identifying your ideal role easier
  • What our data shows is the most effective way to get to a career that fits 
  • Recommended shortcuts to figure out what you want to spend your career doing


Have career change questions or want to make an introduction? Email scott@happentoyourcareer.com


Free Resources

What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out! 

Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.


Related Episodes

  1. Changing Careers (When You Don’t Know Your Next Job Title) (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
  2. How to Figure Out What You Really Want (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
  3. Should I Quit My Job? How to Know It’s Time (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
Direct download: htyc345.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

What’s the thing that very few people are asking right now that almost everyone is missing? 

Instead of saying “should I be looking right now,” what if you flipped it on it’s head and said:

“How do I take this opportunity  where very few people are taking action on their job search and use this time to make a leap into something bigger?” 

That’s a question that’s worth some serious consideration. 

This is also one of the questions that Scott dives into with Eleanor on the podcast today.

I want to invite you to join us for another live webinar-style training, where Scott is going to answer your questions again. We’re going to try to bring 1 or 2 people on live, like we did with Diane and Eleanor. To sign up for the next training, go to happentoyourcareer.com/webinar-weekly. After you register to attend, you’ll be able to submit your question. Even if you can’t attend live, you can still submit your question.

By the way, we have temporarily re-opened Career Change Bootcamp in light of everything going on with the virus and quarantine situations. We don’t usually re-open CCB so soon after closing, but these are unusual times, and we want to provide you with the best help we can. If you’re interested in CCB, send Scott an email, scott@happentoyourcareer.com, with “CCB Conversation” in the subject line, and he’ll connect you with our team to figure out the very best way that we can help you.


To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc344.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Everyone bases their identity on something. Some base it on their role as a spouse, parent, child, or other relationship. Many people base their identity on what they do for a living.

But then, something happens to change your role or relationship, and it causes confusion about your identity.

Dave Stachowiak joins us to talk about why basing your identity on what you do can actually get in the way of identifying what you REALLY want to do in the world.


To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc343.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Do you want to combine your passion and your career to create a life that gives you a reason to get up in the morning?

Are you ready to go out on a limb for the life you envision for yourself?

If you know the career and life path you want to follow but aren’t sure where you can find the time to make it happen, our guest, Jay Papasan, shares the story of his career and how he makes the time to sort through life’s chaos to get it all done.


Check out the Time Blocking Mastery that Jay talked about in the episode here!


To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Want to know high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over


Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc342.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT