Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Writing like a Pro in the business world seems like a huge undertaking that is easier said than done.

Luckily, we have Danny H. Rubin as our guest today.

Danny Rubin is “THE writing guy.” Danny has studied communications since college and has worked as a TV News Reporter and Consultant and has come back around to what he loves most, which is writing. He uses his greatest strength to teach practical writing instruction for the business world. From writing to apply for jobs to writing to start a business from scratch, Danny offers his writing advice as the writing expert in the business world.

One of the key takeaways from the episode is viewing the job search as an expectations game where employers are going to expect you to do X, but you’re going to learn how to do Y.

Why, you ask? Well, while everyone else is doing X, you’re going to put that little bit of extra effort it takes to do Y. This is your opportunity to do something another way to stand out from the crowd of job-seekers.

All Y is, is a change in the way that you think about what you’re writing. We have all been so conditioned to write a resume and cover letter the same way. So, a hiring manager is going to expect that same template from every candidate.

But, Danny is here to walk you through a process that will show you how to go about writing those pieces in a smarter, more strategic way.

You will see more results when you know how to be interesting when describing yourself in your stories. Your writing should highlight details of your experience that will enhance your overall platform.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the power of telling YOUR story of success in your cover letter. Danny will help you learn how to write to command attention, prove your ability, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.


What You Will Learn

  • The importance of brevity – Why keeping your writing short and concise is imperative in business communications
  • The importance of writing differently and how to stand out in your writing to get noticed and open doors
  • How to write a powerful Linkedin Profile
  • How to apply for a job when a company isn’t even hiring
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Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

What do you do when you decide your current job no longer fits your values?

You fill your iPhone with numbers from all of the CEOs you’ve just made friends with by interviewing them for your blog.




Wait… What?

That’s just one of the many ways that our client and HTYC Podcast listener Eric Murphy used to make a career change to his dream job. (take a listen below!)

Eric Murphy was working 10-14 hour days in his engineering role for the gas company in Las Vegas Nevada. It was going well… except that every single day he was feeling the urge to work with an organization that was giving back to the world. He even thought the solar industry might be how he should be spending his time.

He had no idea that he was so far off.

How do you make a career change when you’re burnt out, have no time, and don’t know what fits you?

That’s exactly what Eric wanted to know too! 

Because he wasn’t just trying to make a career change, he was also trying to figure out what career and what company really fit him. 

For every client we work with we help them go through the same process, and Eric was no exception! 


1. Determine your Signature Strengths 

2. Create Your Ideal Career Profile (What’s most important to you)

3. Target only companies and opportunities that fit 


What was incredibly unique to Eric’s story? 


That he was both seeking jobs AND trying to discover what his ideal role was at the same time. 


This might not sound like a big deal, but if you’re reading this, I bet you feel like you have to already know exactly what you want to be doing before you go talk to peopl about it! 


You don’t! 


This was the strategy that we helped Eric use.

Direct download: htyc192.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

What is the real goal of having a career anyway?

It’s a topic of conversation that comes up time and time again: SUCCESS.

It should be noted that the definition of success is subjective.

There are some people that are perfectly content on that “traditional” path of success, from getting a degree to landing a job that pays for a fairly decent lifestyle. They get promoted and continue working, perfectly content with their progress.

Or maybe they don’t even get that promotion, yet are still perfectly content with the life and career path they’ve chosen.

Then, there are those people that start to lose interest in their work and even with a promotion (and raise!), they still can’t help but feel like their career has turned into a J-O-B.

It’s become a chore to get out of bed to go and “work” at a place that previously held so much promise, but now holds only daydreams for something better.

What’s better? It could be anything, anywhere…anywhere but where they’re at right now.

If this sounds familiar, don’t sweat it just yet.  There is a light at the end of that dark tunnel that you’ve gone down.

The problem isn’t you.

From the day that you started your career, you have continued to learn and grow. You’ve evolved in your role at the organization. The problem is the organization hasn’t shifted the same way you have- the work that you have been doing is no longer aligned with the person you’ve become as you’ve grown in your career.

As you pick up new skills and add more years of experience under your belt, you learn more about what you love about your job and what you could really do without. You begin to look for more work that aligns with what you value.

These little micro-pivots in what you look for in the work that you do help you along your career journey. These shifts in your values shouldn’t be looked at in a negative light. These little shifts bring you incrementally closer to your career goals.

Look at it as an invitation to a bigger path to get to your north star.

If you’re wondering how you’re going to get out of your situation when you’re not even sure what to do next, take it from Lisa and trust that “leaning towards happiness, leaning towards places where you’re already finding flow and satisfaction […] is going to be the best way to start to uncover what direction you’re growing in and what can feel really good for that next step.”

You owe it to yourself to leave your career pain for your career freedom.

If you need help to follow your breadcrumbs to your dream career, visit our career coaching page. Connect with Lisa and she’d be more than happy to help!

About Lisa Lewis

Lisa Lewis, the new HTYC Career Guru, started her career in digital marketing and contemplated going back to school to get into psychology and counseling before finally following her own career breadcrumbs and doing what came naturally to her, which is career coaching.

Here at HTYC, Lisa is involved in all things career change- from her role in the Figure Out What Fits: Career Change Bootcamp, to resume critiques and mock interviews, and also to helping people put all the pieces of their career change puzzle together through one-on-one career coaching. She specializes not only in honing in on your strengths, but also in positioning those strengths for potential employers.

If you want to learn more about our career coaching and other services, head on over to our career coaching page.

Direct download: htyc191.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PDT