Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Today’s guest, Dan Cumberland, is a former youth pastor who suffered what he described as a “theological breakdown” early in his career. The power of suggestion took him down a career path that never quite fit him, but seemed right at the time.


(Can you relate?)


In his journey to get back on a path that matched his personality, Dan researched and developed his philosophy behind fulfilling career pathing and founded The Meaning Movement, a business and podcast where he helps folks with this kind of stuff every day.


In this episode of the podcast, we go really really deep into how...:

  • The voices from parents, friends, family, and others in your life shape who you are and what you do -- and what to do about it.
  • Language decisions and how you describe experiences can shape that experience and your future thoughts around it. (And why the power of suggestion can be so crippling in career pathing!)
  • Your love of finding the best pizza can guide you to a deeper underlying theme in your quest for meaning.
  • To define your dream job (using the four Ps framework) to discover work that’s more meaningful to you.


Direct download: htyc202.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST