Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Stop Chasing the Job Title with Lindsay Moroney

Many people are often conditioned to follow a traditional path of success.

After college, you get an internship. That internship turns into a job. Then you work your way to the top of your firm or gain success in a specialty.

You do all of the work that lines up with that job title that you've been aiming for since your freshman year of college.

That was the plan for our guest, Lindsay Moroney. She "planned" to go to college for pre-med, until she took an art history class that derailed her from that clear path to success. It was in that decision to ditch pre-med and follow her passion for art history that led her to her current position as the Vice President of Strategy and Operations for The Muse.

Listen as Lindsay shares how to redefine your own path to success and how being authentic with herself and following her what made her happy has led her to this particular point in her life and career where she is thriving.


Direct download: htyc160-lindsay-moroney.mp3
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