Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
How to Accelerate Your Career

Are you tired of watching your colleagues get promoted?

Do you feel like you've been constantly looked over for that next pay raise?

Are you starting to feel like everyone around you is doing better than you in their career?

If you're ready to advance your career, we've got a solution for you. A six-step formula created by Bozi Dar that will help you accelerate your career.

The six-step formula helped him get six job promotions in six years which led him to increase his salary 15 times. Bozi continues his "mission to liberate you from the crappy, rehashed career advice from the so-called 'career gurus' and introduce you to career strategies that will get you 5x results in 1/2 the time (what I call the '10x effect')" at Career10x.com.

Today, we revisit Bozi's episode where he shares his step-wise process for identifying, landing, and succeeding in the job and career path that fits you!

Listen here: 148 How to Accelerate Your Career with Bozi Dar - Revisited!

Direct download: HTYC_148_Bozi_Dar_Final_mixdown.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST