Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Think back to the day of your high school graduation.

Remember the heat. Remember the squirming. Remember the excitement to get out of that place, and move on to something better.

But, for a second think back to the speeches that day. Whether it was your Principal or your Valedictorian (or maybe you!), they all had one thing in common. Each person imparted a piece of wisdom (or warnings) to you and your fellow 18-year-old graduates.

They told you: “Remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination.”

If you’re anything like me, that phrase went in one ear and out the other. You just finished the longest journey of your life: high school. And now, you were jumping out of your seat, although a bit nervous about the unknown, for whatever was to come next.

But then…you got there.

You arrived at that place–any adult milestone really (college, first job, moving to a new city), and this fearful, uneasy thought might have crept into your mind. You try to push it away, but it always comes back: “There mustbe something else out there.”

So, you continue to search. New job, new city. New friends, new relationships.

But it somehow, each step you take still ends up feeling the same.

Direct download: htyc236.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

Are you exhausted and burnt out from your current job that you can ‘t even think about what it is going to take to start changing careers?

It’s time to re-calibrate your mindset to make that career change to something you enjoy (finally!).

Direct download: htyc235.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

How do you know when you’re perfectionism is getting in the way of your progress? Or is it what helps you to be successful. Or is it somewhere in between.

A short while back we released a podcast episode on “perfectionism” and how you might not even know it’s holding you back.

We got great feedback on this episode from many of our listeners. Caroline Adams and I scheduled a followup conversation to debrief on the podcast and what we learned from creating a podcast on perfectionism. Ironically we discovered on creating a podcast on perfectionism that our own perfectionist tendencies had reared their ugly head.

This turned into a private conversation about where perfectionism becomes an issue for both of us. We go deep into where it’s caused challenges for our own lives and work… Even when we began this conversation we never intended it to become a podcast we’re sharing it with you because we also discuss how we each individually handle the perfectionism when it pops up ready to hold us back! Learn more at https://happentoyourcareer.com/233

Direct download: htyc233.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT