Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Are you the kind of person who wants a job that aligns with what you value or what you’re interested in? Or better yet, do you want to feel like you’re meant to do work that has the ability to leave the world a little bit better, and makes you feel fulfilled?

As high performers, people like you and I are always looking for ways to improve ourselves and our situations. We want to take what we’ve got, maximize it to its full potential, and follow our life’s purpose.

That’s why I’m excited to share Jessica Williams’ story with you today as my guest on the podcast.

Jessica is the founder of the company called The Superwoman Project that does everything from writing, speaking, and coaching to support the advancement of women into positions of power within their careers.

It took her a little bit of adventuring -- and a lotta bit of reflection -- to answer the questions of what she was meant to being doing and how she could make a more meaningful impact with her work.

In the episode, she shares how she discovered her passion and calling to guide women through their professional development.

Whether you are in the midst of following your calling or have no idea what it is yet, take a listen to today’s episode, How to Find Your Career Calling and Own Your Purpose with Jessica Williams. We’ll get into:

  • The step-by-step process to figure out “your calling”
  • Actions to take to become clear in the direction of your career and own your path
  • Tactical tips on how to transition out of a job to pursue your deeper career calling

If you’re ready to align your career with your life’s purpose, don’t miss this episode.


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Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

The art of life crafting.

Ever heard of it?

It's about defining what you want in your life, taking that vision, and prioritizing where you put your energy and effort to achieve those goals.

Simple enough, right?

You'd be surprised how many people don't take advantage of the benefits that life crafting can bring into their lives.

Not only will it open doors to everything that is possible for you, but it will also provide a framework to get to the life you want.

Now, let's take a moment and think about what it is that you would like to have in your life.

Think about it this way, in a perfect world, what does your life look like?

In terms of your career, where would you be working? What would you be doing? How does your work impact your personal life?

Life crafting allows you to design your career goals and manage how your career aligns with your overall life goals.

In order to get comfortable with the idea of life crafting, we'll take a look at what may be holding you back from intentionally designing a life you’d be in love with and how to move forward in achieving your career goals to better fit that life you've designed.

Direct download: htyc188.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

As High-Performers, we like to make sure we have the majority of our bases covered before we dive head-first into the deep-end of our career change.

But, sometimes we find challenges where we least expect them.

When we look at career change, we know that taking on this big life change requires a great amount of time, energy, financial planning, and a solid support system to lean on when the career change process becomes overwhelming.

One of the least-talked about topics of career change is our current and ongoing support system.

Today, we have Rebecca Maddox as a guest on our podcast.

Listen in as she shares her challenges in finding the right way to communicate with her support system as she took on her cross-country career change.

Learn ways you can navigate your relationships in order to remain authentic to yourself and your career goals. 

Direct download: htyc187.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

So many questions that plague people that have decided to take the bull by the horns and make a career change for themselves.

The ups and downs that they encounter before they make the official jump to a new job position, organization, industry, or business venture are sometimes glossed over once they find success.

But, people that find that success as they transition to a new stage in their career know all too well the hard work, the endless days and nights they were kept awake at night, and the energy it took to put in the work to get where they are today.

One of those people is Cesar Ponce de Leon.

We had the pleasure of working with him as he took on the challenge to move from his previous job in legal affairs to a role at an organization that spoke more to his heart and true life calling.

Cesar ran into a few stumbling blocks along the way, but with the right tools and resources he was able to find success in his career transition.

His story of hard work and non-stop effort is one to take note of, so we've put together an outline of his biggest challenges and the process that he followed to guide him through to reach his career goals.

Check it out!

Direct download: htyc186.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

In your ideal world, what does your life look like? What kind of work would you be doing?

What is stopping you from achieving that now?

Seriously, what is stopping you?

…well, except for ourselves.

There’s this interesting concept about “learned permission-seeking.”

We’ve been conditioned by parents, teachers, and society to ask for permission to do things.

Now when it comes to change, as adults, we still wait for that permission to make a change.

We look for someone to give us permission or validate our choice to try a new hobby, go back to school, quit a steady job to start our own businesses, flip career paths, or create any type of change within our lives.

Permission stops so many people from moving forward.

Oftentimes, we find ourselves in these situations where we seem stuck because nobody has given us the green light to proceed with our actions — which is crazy, since these are our own lives we are talking about (!).

But, there are ways to create that permission for yourself to be more, do more, and achieve more of your goals.

Check out the episode to hear more about how you can start giving yourself the permission you need to start living a life you love with MJ Fitzpatrick.

Direct download: htyc185.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:00am PDT