Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

What if you didn’t have to escape your job? What if the place you were your happiest and the place you found your solace was actually where you worked? Steph had known for almost 9 years that she felt the most alive, and the most like herself, in fitness studios, but she had never allowed herself to believe that she could actually build a career in fitness. Steph had a great career in the Marine Corps and then with Amazon, but she never felt like she was doing work that was true to her. In this episode, she articulates her realization that she could make a living doing what she loves, and her decision to pick up her life and go after it.

What you’ll learn 

  • The importance of building a career in alignment with your life

  • How to use feedback from your support system to find a career that fits you

  • How the process of finding your ideal role is ongoing 

  • The importance of defining success for yourself when pursuing work you love


Have career change questions or want to make an introduction? Email scott@happentoyourcareer.com 

Want to chat with someone on the team about your situation? Schedule a conversation


Free Resources

What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out! 

Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.


Related Episodes

  1. How to Figure Out What You Really Want (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
  2. Stuck in a Career You're Unhappy With? Fear Of Taking Risks Could Be Keeping You There (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
Direct download: HTYC601.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST