Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Let’s start with a question: Why do you care about your strengths?

Maybe you’ve spent time looking at job opportunities online, getting depressed at how few jobs you’re qualified for, interested in, or willing to do for low pay. Or maybe you’ve recently had the realization that “this can’t be all there is” to work

You might have even taken every assessment, personality test and quiz out there only to find out that you’re still in the same place.

You, just like many of the people we work with, found out the hard way that the knowledge that being a “relator” or “achiever” or “learner” is interesting, but you still don’t have a raise, a new career, or work that makes you happy.


We’ve put this 6 part audio course together as a guide to using your strengths to make a career pivot to work that makes you more happy more often.

If you haven’t already, start with the first episode as each one builds on the previous episode to help you learn how you can make a career (and a life out of your strengths) and why many others have chosen to do the same thing.


Want to get a free cup of coffee on us? (HTYC was built on lots of coffee and early mornings)

Leave a review in Apple Podcasts (or your podcast player of choice) and email a screenshot of your review to scott@happentoyourcareer.com.

To binge-listen to more career happiness success stories, find all the podcasts at https://happentoyourcareer.com/podcast

Or to tell us more about your situation and schedule a conversation with our team go to https://happentoyourcareer.com/schedule-htyc

Direct download: htyc309a.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST