Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Let me tell you about a great problem to have -- and a question that came from one of our students inside of Career Change Bootcamp, our signature program.


Laura said:  


I'm really interested in a particular company, and I've now spoken to four people who work there. I've gotten really good at being genuinely interested in learning about roles and companies without actually "asking" anything...But now I want the job... so how do I graciously and not awkwardly shift the conversation from tell me about what you do, to... you should hire me because?

Curious to know the answer? Or, have a hypothesis of your own?


Find out the exact strategy I recommended for Laura in today’s episode of the podcast.

  • How to make potential  employers  feel like they are making the decision to hire you without any selling on your part.
  • How to go from researching and exploring a company that you think is a right fit to getting hired.
  • Learn how trust and relationship building are the foundations for landing your dream job.
  • Understand how humans don’t make objective choices based off of resumes but instead on knowing, liking, and trusting you.
  • How important it is to be a partner with the company and people you are seeking out because it makes the decision a shared responsibility and gives it weight.
  • Move from being a job seeker to the researcher, the interviewer, and a partner in the process.
Direct download: htyc204.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 2:44pm PDT