Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design
Learning to Play the Right Role for Every Situation with Michael Port

Interviews, public speaking, sales pitches - these can be intimidating. Most people don’t really look forward to them. That’s a given. But, would it help if you had a proven strategy for summoning the confidence you know you need to get the results you want? Michael Port is the author of Book Yourself Solid, Beyond Book Yourself Solid, Book Yourself Solid Illustrated, The Contrarian Effect, and The Think Big Manifesto and has been called an “uncommonly honest author” by the Boston Globe. His latest book, Steal the Show: From Speeches to Job Interviews to Deal-Closing Pitches, How to Guarantee a Standing Ovation for All the Performances in Your Life, is all about learning to play the right role for every situation, motivating, informing, and persuading others, just by being yourself! If “All the world is a stage”, why not write your own part? For tools and exercises to help you find the work you were meant to do, enroll in our FREE 8-day “Figure it Out” course at http://happentoyourcareer.com/figureitout!

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