Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

Imagine this scene: you’re driving to the office, and you feel your stomach tighten up.

It’s not like butterflies, it’s more like anxious nerves starting to kick into high gear.

You park, hesitate for a moment in the car before walking up to the building, sigh, and wonder to yourself, “Do I really *have* to today?”

But if you’re anything like the thousands of people we’ve helped, there’s a part of your brain that probably also pipes up and says: “Appreciate what you have! This is a stable job with good benefits, is impressive to other people, and gives you vacation and sick leave. And leaving would have huge consequences on your family, your mortgage payments…what would you even do instead?”

Or, even more scary: “What if I change jobs and it’s worse?”

It makes it really painful to start to answer the question: Should I Quit My Job?

But it doesn’t have to be.

Here are four questions to help you weigh the Pros and Cons of quitting your job — versus some of the possible potential upside of staying.

Check out the full show notes on the website:


Direct download: htyc241.mp3
Category:Careers -- posted at: 1:00am PST