Mon, 6 August 2018
It happens to all of us: you’re cruising along (in your career, your relationship, your health, whatever). You put your destination into the GPS, started following the directions on autopilot, and you’re fiddling with the music on the radio, take your eyes off the road for what only feels like a moment, and WHAM. A pothole — seemingly out of nowhere — opens up and practically swallows your car tire, leaving you feeling trapped and helpless. You were minding your own business, not paying attention, and all of a sudden, you’re stuck with a blown-out tire in the middle of the highway, watching other cars pass you by. If you’re the kind of person who’s usually self-sufficient, a high achiever who did pretty well in school, this kind of situation is particularly frustrating. “How did this happen? How did I end up here…and where do I go from here?” If those questions are ones you’ve pondered at any point in your life, then keep reading. We have a heck of a podcast for you all about unconscious mindsets and how to get yourself back on track from mindset success coach Karenina Jahnigen.
Outdated mental operating systems can be incredibly painful — they keep us trapped in old beliefs that can suffocate current potential and opportunity. Yet often in life, our places of deepest pain and suffering are the places from which we have the most to give. That’s certainly true of Karenina. Listen to her story of overcoming incredible pain and limitations throughout her life — and how she used her own learnings to help others as a coach who has helped people truly transform their lives. |