Happen To Your Career - Meaningful Work, Career Change, & Career Design

If you feel unhappily stuck working in finance and want to make a change, this episode is for you. Natalie was working in a client-facing role in the wealth management industry, feeling unfulfilled and convinced that true career happiness required a drastic change. But her journey revealed a surprising truth: staying in finance but switching industries was actually the key to her fulfillment!

Join us as we explore Natalie’s journey, discuss the importance of aligning your career with your values, and provide actionable insights for anyone considering a finance career change. Discover how you can find meaningful work without leaving finance behind.

What you’ll learn

  • How Natalie found a fulfilling career by staying in finance but switching industries.
  • The role of aligning your career with your personal values.
  • Strategies to make a career change without taking a pay cut.

Our book, Happen To Your Career: An Unconventional Approach To Career Change and Meaningful Work, is now available on audiobook! Visit  happentoyourcareer.com/audible to order it now! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/book for more information or buy the print or ebook here!

Want to chat with someone on the team about your situation? Schedule a conversation

Free Resources

What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out!

Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.

Related Episodes

  1. Should I Quit My Job? How to Know It’s Time (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)
  2. How to Figure Out What You Really Want (Spotify / Apple Podcasts)

Direct download: HTYC576.mp3
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